Friday, February 28, 2014


A birthday celebration isn't complete in our house until the birthday interview is complete! It's by far the favorite thing I have done for the kids in this space! I love looking back and I have just been waiting to do one with Belle! This is her first. If you want to take a walk (or click) down memory lane, here's Jackson's birthday interviews at age 3, age 4, and age 5

(click on the pic to see it larger)

I asked her some questions last week, but she wasn't particularly cooperative and so I thought I'd give her a few days and then try again! She was super into these questions today and it was super easy. Boy are three year olds moody. 

Here's a few thoughts I want to add. Belle can't tell you how old she is without showing you her fingers. We were at the store today and even though she had mittens (and we couldn't see), she was adamant about getting those fingers up. Most of these are spot on: the color pink, Minnie Mouse, her blanket, etc. Her favorite foods have been consistent for awhile and she tells me every day. She loves Frozen songs and apparently sings them in nursery with her friend, MJ, which is probably the basis for being BFFs. 

The most ridiculous answer is clearly playing with tigers. She mentioned this the other day and I figured it was just some random thing in her head, but she was insistent upon it today as well. I even tried saying, "Well, what if the tigers are tired?" And she responded, "The tigers don't get tired. I just like to play with tigers." So... there you have it. 

I snapped this pic this morning. I have been obsessed her pigtail braids lately! I think they are so stinkin' cute. But truthfully, it's the best way to manage her hair. And she's a fan because it helps her hair not get so tangly. She also really, really, really loves dresses. And her Minnie.

And I love this pic because it captures her "real" smile and it reminds me so much of when she laughs. 

The kids are all smiles because they got to play at McDonald's this morning. I can barely handle all the energy in this house and so getting out was a must! I packed pretzels, bought apple slices, got them each a water, and they played for an hour a half. And now, they are all snoozing away. I'm going to call this a parenting win! :)


1 comment:

  1. Belle's interview is so cute! I can't wait to do the same with Aniston at the end of March.


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