Wednesday, December 10, 2014

It's the most wonderful time of the year! (2014)

We got into full time Christmas mode right after Thanksgiving. It's my most favorite time of year! I'm pretty sure I say that every year and that I name my blog posts accordingly... but it's true and it fits, so I'll just go with it!

We decorated the tree and put up Christmas lights on the day after Thanksgiving. Now, in terms of lawn inflatables, Derek and I have never really seen eye to eye. I feel it's basically a victory to have put this off as long as possible, but we did welcome a new Christmas decoration this year-- an inflatable Yoda for the front yard. Even though it makes me roll my eyes every time we drive home, it also makes me smile because the rest of my family absolutely loves him.

Yoda has become so much more than a lawn ornament-- he is now a friend to Belle. She'll ask, "Mom, can I go say goodbye to Yoda?" when we are loading up in the van or "Mom, can I to talk to Yoda?" She'll play with him in the front yard and literally just talk to him about her day. I did catch some video of her showing me her fighting moves that Yoda has taught her. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried!

We made our annual visit to The Bass Pro Shop to see Santa and to check out the store. Jackson asked for "Transformers and awesome toys." Isabelle asked for "a real life reindeer." Hhhmm... I'm working on getting her heart set on something else! 

Last week, Jackson had his first school performance! His class sang a Christmas medley. The kids were pretty humorous to watch. There were obvious parts of the songs they didn't know as well and so it got really, really quiet. But then they'd just pipe back up as soon as they were familiar with the words. Jackson has really grown out of his anti-participation in choir and it's so fun to watch. Look at my handsome little fella!!! 

I have done the majority of my shopping online this year and I'm not sure I can go back to trying to doing my Christmas shopping in stores! I mean, to sit on my comfy couch where it's cozy and warm... and then for the package to arrive in two to five days-- it's genius. I love it. And the good news is that I'm pretty much all done! It feels really good to be done with the shopping so I can spend the next few weeks just doing fun Christmas things with the kiddos. I do need to take them shopping for Derek but we have to hold off on that as long as possible because there is a certain three-year-old who is a terrible secret keeper! :)


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