Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A new 'do

Both of my kiddos have been long overdue for a hair cut. I decided to take the kiddos after school and they had a ton of fun. They barely even knew they were getting a hair cut. 

Jackson got his typical hair cut-- a modified child version of a high and tight. Belle was due for something new.  Her hair had grown really long (except for the bangs that Jack cut this summer, but those are slowly growing back!) and with the long hair came tons of tangles. She prefers to wear it down and so I wanted to try something new that would hopefully save her tears and me frustration. 

I love her new look. And apparently so do all of my facebook friends because nearly 100 people liked her photo. I wanted to say something like, "We just cut off several inches along with every last drop of baby girl," but I felt that might have been dramatic. Fortunately, so many other people have validated my thoughts: that my little girl looks so grown up. I can barely even believe that we are planning her 4th birthday next month. FOUR!

She sure is a sweetie, isn't she? 


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