Sunday, July 10, 2011

Takin' care of business...

This is the real reason that SUVs have room in the back, right?

(For the record, I used to scoff at the idea of toting a little potty around. Heck, I was even convinced I was going to potty train without having to use a little potty. They gross me out. BUT, as long as that potty is around, he won't have any accidents. We officially started with the potty middle of last week and he's only had one accident since then [easiest kid to potty train EVER] and it's been when the potty wasn't around. So it's worth toting, even if it is disgusting. But, I'm only going to do it through the next week.... But can I get a WOO HOO for no more diapers!???)



  1. I didn't use a little potty for my oldest... just because I couldn't stand the thought of having to clean it out. I'm reconsidering for my 2nd - there's just such a huge convenience factor!


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