Friday, April 27, 2012

My Military Children

April is the month of the military child. I have two military kiddos and I got the idea to interview them {Jackson at least} about what it means to be a military child from a fellow military blogger.

Jackson is kind of young to ask an open ended question like "what does it mean to be a military child?" so I had to break it down a little bit and get him to focus for a minute on this subject.

Is Daddy a soldier? 

What does that mean?
He goes to work in soldier clothes.

What does Daddy do at soldier work?
He keeps us very safe and he works on computers.

What makes Daddy a soldier? 
He puts on soldier clothes. I don't like when he puts on his soldier 
clothes and he goes away. I like when he wears day clothes. 

And he walked away and said he was really sad and he wouldn't talk to me any more about anything. I know we are only a National Guard family; not active duty. And Derek isn't currently nor has he ever been deployed. But it still takes a toll on Jackson-- and all other reserve and guard children.

It's been almost two weeks since Derek's been home and Jackson asks Derek nearly every day how many days he will be gone when Derek leaves for work each morning. Jackson tells him to only be gone for a little bit and to come home that night. I just know that deep down, Jackson is unsure of how long his daddy will be home. And that breaks my heart. I have decided to find a local toddler with a military parent that Jackson could connect with. Maybe I can find one in the yellow pages?

{I wish Katie lived right next door! She is a much more put together military wife and her kiddos are so close to mine! Can I just say I am so grateful for the internet and blogs to help find people to connect with!?} 

I didn't sit down and have a conversation with Belle about being a military child, but her response would be something like this, "Dada. Dada" and then she'd kiss the Daddy doll we have. She's just loves her daddy.

I'm proud of my soldier and I'm super proud of my kiddos. 



  1. Aw, adorable pictures! You have a beautiful family!

  2. Oh you just made my day!! You are too sweet!!! I so wish we were neighbors and we could hang out with our kids the same age while our husbands were away. I am pretty sure we would have endless things to chat about! I love that little interview you did with Jackson. I think I will have to do something like that with Kylie soon. It would be fun to do the same interview again in 6 months or so and see how their answers change.
    Oh but if we were neighbors, you would see that I am actually the farthest from well put together. :)

  3. So happy to have found you!! I love the idea of interviewing the kids!! I might have to make this a yearly event for our kids. I'm also a National Guard wife. Would love if you'd stop by


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