Saturday, February 23, 2013

Belle's Birthday Celebration

This week our precious baby girl turned two! Seriously, how did this happen? She was just born a few weeks ago, I swear!! We celebrated with a very small "grandparent" party. 

Jackson helped make and decorate Belle's cupcakes! 

Belle surprised us all with her walking-in-high-heels skills!! 

Big brother had to try out some of Belle's new toys! 

Here are my kiddos with both sets of grandparents! I love when we all get together! (you can see that Jackson wasn't interested in the princess stuff very long... he quickly changed to become a superhero). 

Great Grandma Duff celebrated with us

And so did Great Grandpa!

Here are a couple of shots that were captured the afternoon of Belle's party-- look at these Pretty Pretty Grandpas! Does Belle have them wrapped around her little finger or what?!?!?!?

It was the perfect little celebration! 



  1. Very sweet!! My baby will be two in only one short week. I agree that it is hard to believe how fast time flies by!! He's my last and it seems to have gone by even faster than with my first two!

    - Carmen

  2. What a fun time! My little girl will be two at the beginning of next month and I can hardly believe it either! They grow up way too fast!


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