Sunday, April 7, 2013

Walking in Sunshine

This past week and upcoming week are more jam-packed than normal. My time on the computer has been minimal and even then it was doing boring things like writing papers, case reports, and presentations. I have barely even logged into facebook and I still have a ton of super cute Easter pictures that I haven't even uploaded to my computer yet! I promise to share the cuteness when I get around to it!!

In the meantime, I wanted to throw a post together about our week. The weather has been really nice this week and we've enjoyed it a lot! Three times this week, I walked to either drop off or pick up the kids from Ms. Beth's house. It's a 1.5 mile walk round trip and barely takes 20 minutes.

I have loved walking for multiple reasons:
  • It's great exercise-- nothing like pushing an extra 65 pounds up a hill.
  • Sunshine and exercise is good for the brain and it helps me focus better for all my school and intern work! 
  • Quality time with the kids-- We clearly live very close to our daycare. It's a very short drive home before we get busy with chores/dinner/activities at the house. So, the 10 minute walk home is great conversation time! Plus, sometimes we stop at the park across the street. (Have I ever mentioned how much we love the location of our house?! It's amazing. We walk to church and the grocery store sometimes too!)
  • I enjoy the slower pace and the break it allows from my very busy "go, go, go" life right now. Instead of zooming past houses in the van, Jackson is noticing house numbers. We can see buds blooming on trees and the flowers breaking through the ground. It's wonderful.
The only downside is the weird looks that I get when I walk one way with no kids in the stroller. I've considered putting a "I'm going to pick up my kids" sign because it does feel so strange to push a stroller with no kiddos. Plus, one time a lady actually asked. My neighbors will either get used to me walking by and know that I am either just dropped them off/am going to pick the up... or be convinced that I'm a crazy lady. Which may or may not be accurate regardless of the stroller situation. :)

Have you been enjoying the sunshine?


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