Tuesday, October 8, 2013

U-pick veggies

I saved my very favorite part of our visit to the pumpkin patch for it's very own blog post. Not only did we have a super fun time, but we stumbled across several fields of U-pick veggies! 

I loved this for multiple reasons. First, I love knowing where my food came from and how it was grown. Two, I didn't need to make an extra stop at the grocery store for veggies for the week. And three, it was really cool to see our favorite veggies in actual plant form. Jackson LOVES broccoli and had so much fun finding a bunch in the leaves. Oh, who am I kidding... I thought it was fun too!

Belle is holding onto some of the beets we picked (and that I'm going to try to make tonight!)

Here's our loot-- that we picked ourselves! And at $.79/pound, we paid less than $15 for all of it! We gathered spinach, kale, red peppers, tomatoes, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, and green beans. The best part is that I purchased some veggie saver tubs from Tupperware at a fundraiser auction the night before. So now all of those tubs are in great use keeping these veggies fresh until I get around to using them!

Derek and I talked about doing a garden this year, but never got around to actually make it happen. Next year though! Our goal is to spend the winter months reading up and figuring how to get started! Any tips for us garden newbies? 

1 comment:

  1. It's so cute these little guys picking vegetables for themselves. They should check with the Self Propelled Lawn Mower Guide and learn to mow the grass as well. That's an excellent learning opportunity.


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