Monday, November 18, 2013

Menu Monday

I made a menu for the next two weeks AND I didn't even throw it away this time. It's the little things in life that bring me joy.

I thought I'd give a super quick run down on how I make up my menu every two weeks. First, I gather opinions and jot down a few things that sound good and/or new recipes I want to try (right column). Then, I make a list down the page of the days and include activities we might have going on. Then lastly, I pick the easiest meals for the days we have things going on and then fill in the rest! As you can see, Belle helped me with my planning.

I could do this planing in my calendar, but my list is normally full of scratching out and moving things around. I am very particular about my planner and it's only for final drafts. :) 

  • Monday: Lasagna-- Jackson's request, of course. Derek has finance meeting at church, so this needs to be ready to eat as soon as he comes home.
  • Tuesday: Cauliflower & ham casserole -- another meal that needs to be ready early. We are finishing up our Love and Logic classes and there's no time for a family dinner. :(
  • Wednesday: Chicken nuggets, homemade macaroni and cheese-- I am hoping to make extras so I can have some leftover nuggets to keep in freezer!
  • Thursday: Beef Stroganoff-- I have never attempted stroganoff... unless you count hamburger helper... and I don't. I can't believe I used to live off of that sort of fake "food like substance" in my early 20s. Bleh. 
  • Friday: Oven-baked fajitas. Yum!!
  • Saturday: Homemade pizza -- We aren't big fans of toppings on pizzas, so we pair this with a smoothie to get a good serving of fruits and veggies in this meal!
  • Sunday: Whole Fryer Chicken-- I use the leftover shredded chicken for lunches and soups!
  • Monday: Tilapia & roasted veggies -- I have book club, so I purposefully planned fish for this night!
  • Tuesday: Pork chops & baked potatoes -- basic and easy, but delicious!
  • Wednesday: Thanksgiving celebrations!
  • Thursday: Thanksgiving celebrations!
  • Friday: Bacon cheeseburger soup -- I'm hoping this is better than the last recipe I tried! :)
  • Saturday: Thanksgiving celebrations!

Lots of Thanksgiving celebrations! I can't wait. I've planned to prepare cornbread stuffing and green bean casserole, made with organic cream of mushroom and organic friend onions.

I picked up this handy dry-erase calendar thing from Target a few months ago. I love it! It's perfect for planning our week! I'd like to get a second one as I always plan our menus two weeks at a time, but one is sufficient. It's so handy to have it right by the fridge, so I can take a look and see what I need to get prepared when I'm doing breakfast or lunch (depending on how productive I am that day!).

I'm really looking forward to some pumpkin pie next week. What is your favorite thanksgiving dish?



  1. Man, you are rockin' the menu planning! I loooove menu planning, but always end up forgetting ingredients and getting frustrated, plus I never try new recipes. But I still don't know what i would do without my plan and list! And my favorite Thanksgiving dish is probably the stuffing, when it's done right.

  2. I will be making green bean casserole for Thanksgiving too! My favorite dish is definitely the sweet potatoes!


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