Monday, December 2, 2013

Serving and Sporks: Our Thanksgiving Recap

Though I probably say this every year (aside from T-day 2011), this Thanksgiving was our best yet! This past week, we've spent so much time with friends and family my heart is about to explode. I think our Thanksgiving celebrations tally up to four, so lots of food too. We were up with my side of the family on Thursday and then came back home on Friday. Saturday we were at Derek's parents and yesterday we stayed home and decorated for Christmas.

I didn't take many pictures because our celebrations weren't particularly exciting enough to photograph. They were just enjoyable moments playing games, watching movies, and hanging out!

I did take pictures when my family celebrated Thanksgiving, though! I received an email from a homeless ministry that I've volunteered with in the past asking for volunteers over the holidays! When I heard back that they needed Thanksgiving day volunteers, I knew my family would be on board so I signed us up!

There were several families who volunteered. My sister Laura wants to marry the gentleman on the left, but she has some internet stalking to do to find him first. :)

Most of us served plates (Normally, the clients go through the line themselves, but we were able to "treat" them a little bit and serve them!). Look how well they all cooperated with having their picture taken! :) 

Mom prepared plates in the kitchen for awhile

And Jackson was the best spork-hander-outer that you ever did see!

Despite my worries that he'd dump a plate on someone's lap-- he did a great job of serving, too!

Not only was it a easy and relatively short, we had a great time. Also, it fit in perfectly with how we're trying to teach Jackson about serving others! The minimum age for participating was 5, so Belle spent a few hours with my favorite Uncle Richard and Aunt Sharon. (If I don't say this, he'll read this and tell me that I had a typo!) He really is the best Uncle Richard that I have.

With my pretty blue-eyed baby girl on Thanksgiving morning!

My mom had sent Jackson $10 earlier that week for Jackson to pick out some items from the ministries wish-list to take with us. Jackson really wanted to buy deodorant (Specifically, red and blue. Absolutely no green labels). When brought them in, he said "We picked these out so that we can give them to people who don't have money to buy them!" He was so proud. And then I was so proud. 

We didn't do a thankful tree or anything like it this year, though it sounds like something fun to maybe try next year. But, I feel like we made good progress in teaching him how to be thankful for things that many of us often take for granted-- a home, food to eat, or even being able to buy deodorant!

How the favorite part of your thanksgiving??


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