Thursday, February 20, 2014

Belle's Pajama Party

When I began thinking what kind of party to have for Belle this year I wanted it to be 1) something she loved, 2) simple, 3) fun. Belle loves jammies and so I knew a pajama party would be perfect! We had our party in the evening and finished right around bedtime so the kiddos could go home and go to bed! We invited three little girls from church and fortunately one has an older brother so Jackson had a pal to play with.

The kiddos came in their pajamas and we started off by making Fruit Loop necklaces. Or just eating fruit loops and ignoring the string. Either way, it was fun. When they were done with the necklaces, I had some shaving cream that I put on plates for them to play in. It's Jackson and Belle's favorite bath time activity, so it was appropriate for the occasion!

We played this game that I based on an activity Jackson does at the community center. The plastic tubs were the bath tub and the balloons were bubbles! The kids tried to keep the bubbles out of the tub and the other kids tried to put them back in. As simple of an activity as it was, the kids went crazy and it entertained them for a very long time!

We had cinnamon rolls as a treat!

I made our dining room table to look like a bed. It was the extent of my decorating, but it was cute and it served it's purpose! :)

I didn't get a picture of all the girls together-- toddler girl drama x4. Oy!! But, I was able to get a couple individually with her friends.

It wasn't super fancy, but Belle got to spend time with friends (and Derek and I got to hang out with *our* friends!) and so it was a good night. Our kids, though they were completely wound up, fell asleep pretty quick after the party ended. 

The next day, we had a family party with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. I didn't get many pics, but we had a good time. Most importantly, Belle soaked up the attention. Isn't this precious? It's my favorite picture. Without planning, she had a very Minnie birthday, just like Christmas. She wore the Minnie dress to church, opened the Minnie slippers and requested to wear them and then she got a Minnie doll.  Also, her little pigtail buns are the signature "minnie ears". 

More Minnie Mouse panties!! Are you getting the hint, Belle???

Make a wish!

Lastly, I just wanted to share the little collage I through together of Belle today! I love looking at each picture and remembering her at each stage! Man, I love this girl! 


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