Tuesday, August 19, 2014

First Day of Kindergarten

So the day finally came-- Jack started kindergarten today! He was so excited and reported having a good day. He's looking forward to tomorrow because it'll be his first full day (and then I might actually have some tears. ALL DAY!) 

Notice the new shoes? We bought them about a month ago. Jackson tried on every single shoe the store had in his size and he speed and cross-train tested each and every pair. He narrowed it down to the "run faster" shoes and the "jump higher shoes." He chose the faster ones and is so thrilled that he is finally able to wear them!

And speaking of tough decisions getting ready for school- this is Jackson picking one his folder. He spent TWELVE minutes deciding on a folder. He kept saying, "but this is a really tough decision!" :)

Okay, back to the school pics. It's a shame my poor kids are so boring and don't have any personality. Kidding, of course! I love these pics that show he's such a goofball! He's a pretty funny kid and loves to make people smile. :)

And of course he's wearing his Allermates bracelet! It gives me such a peace of mind that it's an extra reminder of Jackson's nut allergy 

 Belle is hardly going to know what to do with her big brother gone all day! Good thing she'll have a baby sister coming soon! :)

Jack with his teacher Mrs. McMillian (who is AMAZING! We love her.)

My handsome fellas! Jack is enrolled at the same school at Derek attended-- the same school that Derek started kindergarten 25 years ago! 

 Here's a comparison of Derek and Jack on their first days of kindergarten. Thanks to my mother-in-law who dug out this picture for me!


1 comment:

  1. He looks so excited! And wow - you've got a little shopper on your hands!


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