Thursday, October 2, 2014

One week at home

It's been one week since we've been home with a new baby in the house! There have been times that have felt like time is standing still (mostly around 3:30am) and there have been times where I'm wondering when life will slow down! Welcoming a third child into a family doesn't generate the same "putting life on hold" that happened when our first one came. And to be completely honest, I actually prefer it this way. So, here's a run down of things we've been up to this week!

Off for a life of adventures-- leaving the hospital selfie!

Derek left the day after we came home from the hospital to head up to his army post for a three-day drill. Thankfully, I booked Grammy for the weekend-- talk about a lifesaver!

Saturday morning, Jack played soccer.

We watched.

Caroline used the time to soak up some sun to bring down her bilirubin levels.

We played at a super fun new park. 

Caroline napped, of course. Can you spot Jackson on the tower in the background?

 Daddy came home and found the perfect napping partner. Sleeping twins! I seriously love how how they are sleeping the exact same way. 

There have been lots of sweet baby kisses. Belle's reminds Caroline every day, "Hey! I'm you're big sister!"

Jackson loves to hold Caroline after school-- especially when she's "chatty". I like to think this is practice for talking to her big bro about life as she gets older. 

 Caroline had her first bath, which was basically torture. 

My Grandma traveled down to visit for a few days this week. Along with baking delicious cookies and snuggling Caroline, she's read about a hundred and one books to the kiddos-- though in this pic, Jackson is actually read TO Gram-Gram.

Today, we made noodles. Yuuummm!!! Not only am I super excited to enjoy a few batches of noodles, my heart is happy to know my kids have special moments like this from their great grandma. 

Today, Isabelle gave Caroline her first lesson in high five-ing. 

The weather was super rainy here today and I didn't think the kids would be able to play outside today-- but the big kids found and played in a giant puddle (that Belle referred to as a lake) for an hour. They came in soaking wet, but they had a blast. 

 And Caroline was has been working hard at just being cute! :)

With Grandma here, I have been able to keep up with showers and naps. Plus-- I even got to go to the grocery store kidless! I attended my Bible Study on Tuesday morning and I was super excited to go back to MOPS on Wednesday. And granted, the only way either of those were possible was because I had extra hands around the house-- but it was so good to be out of the house, for Belle to have special playtime with friends, and mostly to be encouraged and surrounded by great Christian women. 

It's been a good week. Not only did we survive, but the Chiefs beat the Patriots on Monday Night football, Chiefs fans earned Arrowhead the world record of loudest outdoor stadium, and the Royals entered the playoffs for the first time since 1985!!! It's a great week to be a Kansas City-ian! :)


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