Thursday, January 29, 2015

Enjoying the park in January

Over the past two weeks we have enjoyed a few record-breaking warm days. Yesterday, it was 70° and so we headed straight to the park after picking up Jackson from school and stayed until dinner time. 

We had a blast at one of our favorite parks. Caroline loved the baby swings and I just stood in amazement wondering how she got so big! :)

I do believe snow is in the forecast for this weekend, but the kids are eager to use the sleds they got for Christmas so they'll be thrilled if it does. Even if the weather does get yucky, it was a wonderful treat to have some nice days in the middle of winter!



  1. That's awesome. So jealous of everyone and their warm temps!

    1. We on the other hand spent the first two days doing yard work then the next 4 with a 102+ fever. Boo. No fun at all.


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