Saturday, April 11, 2009

Asthma, Ear Infections, Excema... Oh My!!!

As soon as we were finally recuperating from our vacation, Jackson started getting a nasty cold that turned into a horrible cough, wheezing, and a fever-- so we ended up in Urgent Care at the doctor's office. He had blocked airways and after asking about the family history of asthma, allergies, and excema the doctor concluded that this was probably Jackson's first encounter with asthma. Lots of babies deal with asthma when they are little and grow out of it, and we hope this will be the case. Since babies can't quite use an inhaler, we give him breathing treatments when needed. He wears a little oxygen mask and we use a nebulizer, drop in the perscription, and the medicine is like a vapor that he inhales. Doing this feels like it takes hours, but in all reality it's probably only 10-15 minutes-- but it's still a long 15 minutes!!

The whole Urgent Care, asthma diagnosis all happened on the day of my midterm.... It really threw me for a loop and it was really hard to concentrate. Fortunately, I still pulled a B on the test, and I am okay with that.

Four days after the urgent care visit, Jackson's cough was better, but he was still having horrible problems sleeping at night-- ever since our California trip. It was only at night that he was upset and during the day he was SO happy. I thought he might have an ear infection, so back to the doctor we went. Jackson did indeed have an ear infection. After only a couple of days on the antibiotic, Jackson started sleeping though most of the night again-- thank goodness!!

And while we were there, the doctor also prescribed a medicine for Jackson's excema, as it has gotten worse. So when you see blotchy, red checks in pictures-- blame his father! :) It is normally not so bad, but it flares up and down at times.

Jackson is better and he really is a healthy little guy. He is doing great and we are SO thankful that these are just minor little things that are treatable and easy to deal with. It was just that one week that we felt bombarded with all of this!! But, I suppose that is just how life goes!

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