Monday, March 22, 2010

First Impressions

I don't want Derek to feel left out of my blog since most of my posts are about Jackson and other random topics. This is Derek's birthday week, so I feel now is an appropriate time to share about the man I married. Today's focus will be on what I call his primitive years- ya know, the unrefined years before he settled down.

Derek was rhythm guitar in his high school band, Part Time Heroes. He was really excited to come across some of the old recordings not too long ago and he uploaded a few to YouTube.

Derek also starred and co-starred in many videos put together by he and his roommate, Jeffrey. I'm not sure there are actually words to describe these videos better than the title of their first DVD, The Effects of Boredom on the Mind. (Yes, they did finally publish a second DVD after the infamous hard drive crash of 2004.)

I would have to say that the best one, is the music video remake of the Evanescence song, Bring me to Life. 

And if you ever need something new and stupid (or stupid and new) do to, look no further than Fake Skateboarding. I mean, isn't this what all college boys do at 12:30am, on May 1st?

I titled this post, First Impressions, because truth be told, this was my first impression of my (unknowingly at the time) future husband. We had several mutual friends, but were merely acquaintances at the time and I remember being so surprised to see those him acting so silly because he was always so introverted the times I'd hung out with him. Well, at least I knew what i was getting myself into when I started dating him and I am one to appreciate being able to have a good time with friends. Though personally, I would never chose to do so in front of the camera.

For more of Derek's videos, check out his YouTube page:


  1. I love the skateboarding, that is too funny!

  2. i think the giant Hillary Duff poster had me laughing harder than anything! bwahahaha!!!


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