Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thrifty Thursday

I got a lot of positive comments on my Money Saving Website post from last week. So, I've decided to make continue to share a few of the tips and tricks that I use to help save money here and there! Having the privilege to be a Stay-At-Home-Mom is important to me, so I try to make it part of my job to make sure our dollar stretches as far as possible.

In honor of the Easter pictures that I posted yesterday, This Thrifty Thursday will focus on my system to getting Jackson's professional pictures taken. I have gotten Jackson's picture taken seven times now (every other month in his first year and this year's Easter pic), and have spent less than several people spend on one portrait setting alone- less than $85.

My first step of getting Jackson's pictures taken is deciding whether I want several prints to give to friends and family, or do I want to order only a few prints but with a couple different poses. For lots of prints, Portrait Innovations is the place to go; for a few poses, it's Target Portraits.

At Portrait Innovations you can get their special package and get over 40 prints with six greeting cards for $9.95. Additional prints are $15 a sheet. It takes will power to walk out with only one pose, but it is possible! Be prepared for chaos when you walk into Portrait Innovations (avoid Saturdays!) and expect to be there for at least an hour even if you have an appointment. It is super cool that they print your portraits immediately and can take them home with you.

Target always has printable coupons from their website for a free 8x10 with additional sheets being $3.99. Also, once you get your pictures taken there once, upon picking up the picture you will be given a code to take a survey to print a $3 off coupon for your next purchase. You can do this each time and it is stackable with the first coupon I mentioned. Target has a much calmer atmosphere with no distractions. They will be done with taking pictures in 15-20 minutes and then it just takes a few minutes to pick the ones you want. The pictures do take about 10-14 days to come in, so you do have to make a trip back to pick them up.

Neither places have a sitting fee and both have great props, though you can bring your own if you want. I love the pictures I've gotten and they line our hallway wall so you can see how grew in the first year. And for just over $10 (with tax) for each time, it's even better!

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