Friday, May 20, 2011

The other side of the text

We visited my parents yesterday and Jackson ended up staying with them to spend the night. I got a series of text messages from Dad this morning that totally made me laugh out loud. I am constantly sending them pictures of Jackson making messes (like this, this, this, this, this, and this... and those are only the ones I actually blogged about) and so it was so nice to be the one receiving the texts instead of sending!

Entitled: this is what happens when you don't get up with a two year old....

Yes, that in an egg mixed in each of the yogurts! 
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
(this would be far less funny if it was at my house)

I've experienced the two-year-old with yogurt, which explains why I have dried yogurt on my couch... but thank goodness he can't reach the eggs in my fridge. He *loves* to crack eggs when we cook together!

Entitled: He's cleaning up the mess from which he dumped out a package of shredded cheese.

Well, at least he is cleaning it up himself!!
Ha ha ha ha ha. 
(I am humored by this far too much.)

The lesson to learn: The few extra minutes of shut-eye that you may receive while nodding off and allowing your toddler to entertain himself for awhile is hardly ever worth it!

Ha ha ha ha ha
(yes, I am still laughing)



  1. Oh that is just too funny. Thanks for linking up!!

  2. Oooohhh my goodness!! This makes me glad my littlest crazy can not open the fridge yet... and that Noah is more infatuated with my ipod then anything else lol

  3. Oh gosh I so get that. Especially little boys. They love their messes!!

  4. So, what I'm gathering is that you are training him properly to both be a little chef and clean house on demand. I like it! ;)


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