Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow Days

Sunday was Groundhog's Day. The dumb little rodent suggests that we'll have six more weeks of winter. Ugh. This winter has been SO cold and long. Though our neighbors to the north and south have gotten a ton of snow this winter we haven't really had too much snow. And the times it has snowed it's been too cold to let the kiddos play.

Yesterday, a huge storm hit the midwest leaving us with seven or so inches of snow. The temps were in the 20s yesterday and I knew we needed to get out and play before they dropped to single digits for the rest of the week!

It's amazing how the kids are all smiles while I'm out there snapping pics wondering when it's time to go back inside! We went outside twice yesterday.  Once right before lunch and another time right before dinner.

Has a snow bunny ever looked so cute? I love this picture. Her long lashes were catching snowflakes!! 

After coming inside, the kids warmed up with hot chocolate and chilling by the fire. Toasty! We visited my parents this weekend and my mom sent me home with some homemade egg noodles. I made some mashed potatoes last night and we had chicken and noodles. It was the perfect meal after shoveling snow! 

The next few days are supposed to be very, very cold and then more snow is expected this weekend. I'm so thankful for a warm house! Hopefully the next winter storms come and go quickly. This girl is ready for spring! 


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