Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thrifty Thursday: Garage Sale Website

Garage sales. My number one thrifty pleasure. I love being able to find things on my I-would-love-to-have-but-refuse-to-pay-retail-list for mere pocket change. My mom sometimes refers to her garage sale finds as items from the "street side boutique."

I'm not here to reinvent the garage sale, but to share a website that has changed my life. Okay, well that is a bit dramatic, but I have yet to set out garage sale-ing without checking this ever since a dear friend introduced me last spring.

It is super easy to use. Just type in your address (or just the zip code) and it will provide a map with the area garage sales with a description of each one (it does the work of searching other sites [Craiglist]  that list the sales and compiles them all for you in one place!). Not only is that amazing in itself, but then you can select which ones to put on your list. Enter your starting address and it will give you the best route to hit all of the ones you selected. Step by step directions from each location to the next. Garage sale-ing could not be any easier. 

My garage sale loot so far this year: Perfect Brownie Pan: $.50 (been wanting one ever since I had some that Carla made- this contraption is amazing),  new to me work shoes: $1, pink framed mirror for Julie's room. 

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