Tuesday, August 16, 2011


In the TWO WEEKS it's been since I've blogged, we have been very busy. This has been the longest time without a post since I first started! Here's light review: Hopefully I will get around to posting more details about our end of summer fun!

Derek took a couple of days off work and we traveled to St. Louis for a mini vacation. We went to visit his brother and family and we also squeezed in some time at a few of the local attractions.

On our way to St. Louis, we grabbed some McDonalds for dinner. Much to my surprise, there was an 8gb micro SD card included with my cheeseburger. I did happen to take the card back (after browsing the contents, of course) and for my "troubles" they comped my meal. Not so sure I think that's enough. Even though no harm was done, there was potential for major damage! I mean, it easily could have been in Jackson's food and those cards are tiny. 

Derek and I went to a Royals game with Derek's company one Sunday afternoon. We were in the dugout suite and it was cool. Like, dugout as in the other half of the dug out that the players are in. Great view!

A friend from high school came down to visit last week. It was fun! Exhausting, but fun. She has twin two-year-old boys... so add that to my two year old plus an infant-- we were outnumbered and busy! So glad she could spend a few days with us!

Breakfast for three! 

We visited Deanna Rose Farmstead last week and got to see how they milk a cow. Jackson was pretty interested and enjoys telling people that milk comes from cows. 

Last weekend was Derek's army duty weekend. Jackson was invited to go to the State Fair with Derek's parents. He had tons of fun and even got to ride a pony. I took Belle and visited my parents house to spend time with the family before both of my sisters leave for college this week (crazy!!). I worked at a wedding at the Ranch on Saturday night. 

Yesterday, Belle started CRAWLING! Seriously, I was so not prepared for her to be on the go quite so soon. And in our attempts to get our house organized and rearranged, we put together a new (hand-me-down) bed for Jackson. He loves it, but has a hard time staying in when it's time to actually sleep.

And lastly, I've been pretty crafty lately, so I've been spending the time I would typically be going through pictures and blogging working on some super fun crafts. I can't wait to share about them. I'll leave you with this: these are the goodies I picked up at a Salvation Army while we were in St. Louis and all are being upcycled to cool things for the house. Two are completed, one in progress, and another is awaiting more supplies!

I still feel like I just need to sit and say, "whew!!!" In fact, I just did. Ha. I'm a dork.



  1. Nice shirt Derek!

    Jackson's room looks fun! I can't wait to see him!!!

    I can't wait for my BIRTHDAY (25 days!) present!

    Jackson looks so tall!!!!!!

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