Monday, April 22, 2013


Derek and I have celebrated birthdays recently and we've both turned 29-- the last year of our 20s! How did we get to be so old?! Derek's birthday was in March and mine was just yesterday.

I had class the night of Derek's birthday, so we celebrated a day early. We went to Oklahoma Joe's for dinner and just had cake as a family. It was a simple celebration, but it was a nice relaxing night as a family!

It was for the best that we didn't do a big party. Jackson helped make a from-the-box-cake early in the afternoon, but then I forgot to take it out of the oven.... so it was burnt to a crisp. Knowing Jackson would be devastated that his cake didn't turn out okay, I rushed to make one during nap time, only I had to make it from scratch. It wasn't burnt, but it was pretty disgusting... 

Derek really wanted some technical nerdy stuff and so he bought it all himself. I wanted the kids to wrap something up for him, so we bought him Wreck-It Ralph. Of course, it was mostly for the kids, but Derek enjoyed the movie when we watched it at the theater.

My birthday was yesterday, but my first celebration was a few weeks ago when Mom took me to see the Mary Poppins musical! This was the movie that I watched over and over when I was a little girl and it was so neat to see it live! It is an excellent show and a great night out with Mom!

I began my birthday weekend in tears as I left class early to get a last minute check it with the oral surgeon. Apparently, I developed what is called a "dry socket" and it was terribly painful. However, through the help of a topical treatment and narcotics I managed the pain enough to have a great weekend! I mean, weekend birthdays are rare and it's important to make them count!

Despite all of the cold and yucky weather lately (and snow projected tomorrow!), the weather this weekend was great! We ventured to the zoo in the afternoon after naps, and then Derek and I had a wonderful date night-- dinner, good conversation, and a movie at my favorite theater with recliners as seats! Oh man, it is sooooo comfy!

Jackson was so excited it was my birthday and he enjoyed telling everyone about it, which ended up getting me a delicious cinnamon roll for dessert at one of my favorite local BBQ places. We napped all afternoon, went back to church, and then spent the rest of the evening outside. It was a perfect day! 

Oh, and for my birthday I got tickets to see the Goo Goo Dolls in concert!!!!!!! I've only been wanting to go to a Goo Goo Dolls concert, since like, I was 15 and would listen to Iris on repeat. I am beyond excited, if you can't tell!

We are totally looking forward to see what this year has in store. For one, I am graduating in just a few months with my Master's degree. WOO HOO!!! And then secondly, Derek is starting grad school NEXT WEEK. Life is about to get even MORE crazy, but we are ready. Maybe we'll actually get our basement finished and maybe I can convince my hubby that we need another baby. I mean, time is not on our side-- we're getting old! ;) 


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