Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Results are In!

On Friday afternoon, we got to see our sweet baby! I just love ultrasounds! Though I guess I should clarify... when I said we got to see the baby, we got to see legs, feet, and a quick glimpse of the spine. You know the "typical" good ultrasound shot that's a profile-- well, that's how I wanted to reveal the gender-- with either a little bow on the head for a girl or maybe a top hat or bow tie for a boy. Well, it's a good thing I didn't spend money on an app because we didn't even get a profile shot-- and not a single glimpse of the face! The good news is that the doc wants to see the face and get a better shot of the heart, so we'll get another ultrasound at my next appointment. Hopefully I'll have cuter pics to share, but until then-- here are a few pics.

Despite being particularly stubborn for the ultrasound tech to see everything she needed to see, the baby was very generous with the gender shots. And as Belle would say, "It's a Minnie!" 

Poor Jackson was pretty disappointed. He held it together okay and was quickly distracted by Angry Bids racing that he didn't even care. The sweetest thing, though, is that this morning he collected all of the sonogram pictures and asked to take them to church to show his teachers in Sunday School. He's a proud big brother!

Isabelle is very happy. And she does think it's a Minnie. We've had conversations like, "Belle, it's a human baby. It won't be Minnie." "Is Minnie not a human?" "No sweetie, she's a pretend mouse!" So even though Belle is excited that we're having a girl, she may very well be very disappointed when she realizes that the baby won't have big black ears with a pink and black bow.

We're excited for another girl! We had a boy name picked out and so it would have been handy to not have to think about names-- but on the other hand.... all the cute clothes! I went shopping with my mother-in-law at a local consignment sale on Friday night and my mom scored a ton of super cute stuff over the weekend at roadside boutiques (which is merely the name my dad uses to make fun of garage sales, but I think it's fun!).

Only 22 more weeks until I get a new little dress up doll! I mean... I get to meet my sweet baby girl! :)



  1. A little Minnie - how cute! Congratulations! My daughter wanted an "Ariel." Thankfully we convinced her that I didn't have a mermaid swimming in my belly before her baby sister was born!

  2. Congratulations! Thanks for linking up your great news at the Mommy Moments Link Up last week! You are this week's featured post :)

  3. How cute your daughter thinks a little Minnie mouse is coming soon. All the clothes your scored are cute! Congrats!


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