Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas in Kansas City

I love Christmas. I love Kansas City. And I especially love Christmas in Kansas City... and not just the song! If you're not from here, you probably have no idea that there is an actual song called Christmas in Kansas City, but it's true. I thought a post about my favorite things about Christmas in Kansas City was in order! They appear in the order that we visited this year!

There are five favorite things and so I am linking up with Five on Friday (I still have a few minutes left before it turns into Saturday!). I started this post earlier this week, but waited until we visited Union Station today and it just so happens that this post is right in line to link up with Friday Favorites and Show us Your Life Christmas Traditions!

Anyway, here's my favorite Christmas Traditions here in KC. You should come visit! :)

The plaza is one of my favorite places in Kansas City in general, but it gets extra awesome when the Christmas lights are on! Plus, it holds a special place in my heart: Derek proposed on the plaza at the Christmas Lighting ceremony. We planned our visit on a rare warm December evening and it was so enjoyable to walk around. And we enjoyed some Yogurtini while we were out!

We happened to stumble across the Bass Pro Christmas festivities last year and I knew I wanted to go back! The store wasn't set up quite as cool as last year with a carrousel, but it was still tons of fun. The kids get a pic with Santa, they have fun little crafts, and they have several toys on display, which my kids love. And of course, there are plenty of animals to check out.

I've loved the lights at Christmas in the Park from when I went with my family growing up, going with Derek pre-kids, and now I love it more now that our kids think it's awesome, too! Last night, loaded the kids in the car and ventured out to enjoy the light display. It was the shortest line I have ever seen! We were in and out in less than one hour.

Our church has a fantastic Women's Ministry and every year we have a Christmas brunch. This year, we switched it up and had in the afternoon, but as always, it's one of my favorite things to do this time of year. And I love it for the fellowship, but I love it, too because we alway focus on an outreach activity! We have a sister church in downtown KC who lost all of their library materials due to a water leak. Over the past several weeks, our church collected over 1,600 (!!!!) books to fill their shelves again! These two ladies, my dear friends, organized the whole things and we presented the "bookmas tree" to the women from the inner city church who were in attendance that day!

For the past two years, we have met up with Chacey to visit Crown Center and Union Station at Christmas. It's a super fun time to visit! Of course, we visit Kaleidoscope to make puzzles and the Hallmark Visitor's Center to see the bow making machine, which are staples to the childhood experience in this city. The tree at Union Station is enormous and there are trains and ginger bread houses on display at Crown Center. Though with Jackson and Chacey, they'd be happy to be in the city dump if it meant that they could play together. But for the sake of Elizabeth and I, we love Crown Center. :)

See, Christmas in Kansas City is so much fun. It totally deserves it's own song! You should come visit. Be sure to call me if you do!! 


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