Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Our four gift Christmas strategy

I love reading about ideas for Christmas presents from other parents. I mean, catalogs and department stores all tell you about the coolest new "it" toy, but I like to see what parents say their kids love and what they plan to buy for Christmas. So this is about what my kiddos are getting.

Three or four years ago a friend shared how they do gifts: something you want, something to need, something to wear, something to read. We did this two years ago, but we didn't last year. As soon as Jackson started praying for lots of toys for Christmas, I knew that I wanted to implement the four gift rule. He knows what to expect and it keeps his excessive wishing at bay. Plus, he will be getting other things from family, too.

Belle's Christmas gifts:

Something she wants: We've played with magnetic dress up dolls at the early child development center and she loved them!

Something she needs: Belle has never had an actual bedding set and it has worked for us. But she's outgrowing her baby blanket to keep her covered up and there are times when she wants to snuggle with it instead of having it cover her up.

Something to wear: Headphones! And Minnie Mouse ones of course. These are made for little kids and have volume control to protect her ear drums. These will work with the DVD player in our van and also with the next gift.

Something to read: Jackson got a TAG reader for Christmas last year. Belle loved it right away and she often borrows his. She will love to have her own (and one that's purple!) plus, it came with some girly books too. (Another plus, I picked this up at a consignment sale and it was 50% the last day!)


As I began to contemplate the categories, they didn't fit with what a few things I wanted to get and with things Jackson needed. I wasn't going to commit to the rhyme for the sake of doing it a certain way, so I switched it up. And bonus: It still rhymes. :)

Jackson Christmas Gifts:

Something he wants: He's asked for the whole set, so this is why it counts as one. Jackson LOVES transformers (and the Rescue Bots) if you haven't noticed and these are his favorite transformers toys. They are two steps to transform so as a parent, you'll love them, too. 

Something that glows: In case you didn't notice, Jackson is pretty into outer space right now. I'm not even sure if he is aware that glow stars for the bedroom ceiling even exist, but he will be thrilled once he opens them.

Something to read: Picking a book was tricky mainly because most published science materials oppose creationism, but this one didn't focus on the beginning of space like some of the others I browsed. I loved the photos in this one and the words will be easy enough for him to read in a year or two.

Somewhere to go: A visit to the local planetarium, of course! He can name the planets in order and he knows about the astroid belt, but only from books. I think he will seeing them in the actual sky. 

I'll get another post up sometime about their stockings!



  1. I love this idea! I am pinning this to my "parenting board on Pinterest so other parents can see it!

  2. Great idea, great way to keep the buying/spending/excessive gift giving under control. Stopping by to say hello from Mommy Moments! :)
    Nancy @ My Little Criatura


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