Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Great Grandma Betty (x2)

Our kiddos were blessed with not only one Great Grandma Betty, but two! Unfortunately, both have passed away this year, but I am so glad the kids were able to know them-- even if it was for a short time in their lives.

This is my Grandma Betty, my dad's mom. She past away this spring. I remember at that time that I had wished I had more pictures of her and my kids. And then one day, I was cleaning out a drawer and there were a couple of pictures of Grandma Betty and Belle from my sister's high school graduation! It made my heart so happy to stumble across it! Grandma always took a ton of pictures (with a camera that used film, of course!) and she'd always send us copies! :)

Derek's Grandma (Betty) Duff passed away this year on Thanksgiving, which was a hard day to receive the news. But at the same time, it left us feeling very thankful for her many years and memories. I just love this photo. As Grandma Duff aged, her cognitive functions continued to deteriorate, but when she held a baby-- she was so different! It's like she transported back in time and her entire disposition just seemed a little happier when my kids were with her. I guess there is a part of motherhood (and grand-motherhood and great grand-motherhood) that are just permanently etched in the brain forever!

We last visited her on Halloween night. Jackson made her laugh-- what a perfect last memory!

The past several days have been filled with family time with Derek's side of the family. While it was a sad occasion to get together, we just loved getting to see and visit with everyone. I feel like I've been a broken record around here lately talking about how much I really enjoy spending time with family, but it's just so true!!

I do have pictures of both grandmas with Jackson, but my digital files are so severely disorganized that it's so difficult to go back and find old photos! I think Grandma Betty was on to something with her film camera and developing doubles. In fact, one of my new years resolutions might be to actually print more photos so they can be enjoyed outside of a computer screen!


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