Thursday, December 12, 2013

My Favorite Stocking Stuffers

While I was planning a stocking stuffer post at some point, I thought I'd go ahead and make it happen today after receiving so much feedback from yesterday's post about Christmas presents! And this way, there's still time for you to pick up things for your stockings if you see something you like!

Not all of these items are in both stockings each year, but these are my favorite. These are all easy to find items, but are {mostly} practical, affordable, and fun!

  1. Chapstick (also known as "lips"). I'm hoping the kids will keep their chapstick in their cup holders in the car so they can use it during these awful winter months!
  2. Shaving cream. Shaving cream, really? This here is the all time favorite thing for my kids to play with in the bath tub. Derek is getting annoyed with us using his stuff, so the kids are definitely getting their own.
  3. Socks.My kids aren't in need of an entire package of new socks. But I'll pick up a pair of their favorite characters pretty cheap. They are at the dollar section of Target, among other places. I picked up a pair at Michael's this week for only 50¢.
  4. Bandaids. As you are probably well aware, fun bandaids have extra healing power. My kids love having their own box.
  5. Utensils. My kids also love their own special utensils. Jackson probably won't get any this year because he equates using regular forks and spoons as a symbol of being a big kid. I like to opt for the ones with metal prongs because they'll outlast the plastic ones!
  6. Minnie Mouse necklace. Belle loves jewelry and she loves Minnie Mouse, so this will be just her thing. I picked up a necklace similar to the ones posted at Michaels the other day for  50¢
  7. Hairbrush. Belle hates having her hair brushed, so I thought that perhaps a pink brush of her own might help. Maybe not. But it was worth the $1 I invested to give it a shot. 
  8. Cups.We have several of these hard plastic party cups already, but these are such a fun thing to add in a  stocking. My kids love having all of their favorite characters on their cups. These are right around $1 at Walmart and Target.
  9. Gloves. My kids aren't the only ones who can never find a pair of gloves when it's time to leave the house? Gloves are super cheap and are just handy to have around!
  10. Silly String. We used silly string at Jackson's 4th birthday party and he has been asking for it ever since. A can is $1 at Dollar Tree, so the kids will each get one. If I'm already cleaning up wrapping paper... why not throw in some silly string, too?
We visit both sides of our family over the holidays and so the kids (and us!) will end up with plenty of toothpaste and new toothbrushes, so I don't typically pick any up! I might throw in an apple or orange to help keep them from whining about breakfast during present time!

Am I missing out on some great stocking stuffers? What are your favorites?


1 comment:

  1. Sometimes the stocking stuffers are the hardest for me to find! Love all your ideas! Thanks for sharing and for linking up with me today!


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