Thursday, October 25, 2012

Comics on the fridge

Our fridge is a cluttered mess of calendars, coupons, photos, and comics. Oh, and of course, an entire alphabet of magnetic letters and animals. The comics that we have had on our fridge were chosen (or given to us) because it was EXACTLY what our life was like at the moment. But as Jackson turns 4 this weekend, it's probably time to archive them into some baby books. 

This comic was from the week Jackson was born. As new parents of a baby that cried the better part of all night the first two nights we were home, I was already planning my revenge on his teenage years. 

And then this came out when Belle was an tiny baby too. Two bedtimes: a whole new adjustment. Some time it all goes super smooth, but other times-- a total circus. With Jackson, sometimes it's like
Bedtime: Take 492.

And then this one, it isn't an exact match to our family as we aren't doing soccer games and kid activities too much on Saturday mornings. This is pretty much Derek and I, every night. "Oh yes! Time to finally sleep!.... But oh wait. Not for long." And Belle has a 6th sense to wake up the moment I turn of my lamp. And the last line-- yeah, that's Jackson. 

I just noticed all of these are about sleep. Well, apparently we aren't the only sleep-deprived parents out there. 


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