Sunday, October 28, 2012

Jackson's SUPER 4th birthday!

Jackson turned FOUR today! This birthday came with much anticipation so this was a very exciting weekend-- just as birthdays should be! We celebrated with both friends and family. Most importantly, our boy received lots of special attention and was reminded of how special and loved he is!

Here's a glimpse of Jackson's SUPER 4th Birthday party!

First, here's our birthday boy!

Decorations and treats!

For an activity, we made capes! I had cut them out of old t-shirts! It was super easy to do ahead of time and my mom hemmed up the seams just to make it look nicer. We added a little velcro and it was ready for the kids to personalize. I cut the initials,  super hero shapes, and masks ahead of time. The kids then picked their favorites and made their capes!

And then the kids showed off their capes (and muscles) in front of the backdrop!

And a group photo! Once I snapped this pic, I forgot to take a group photo with their faces! Oops! :)

The kids enjoyed the treats next and then Jackson opened presents! I don't want to bombard this place with photos of all of his presents. Just think lots and lots of super hero items and you'll be pretty close.

Then we headed outside for some Super Hero training exercises. First, we helped our sidekick (a ball) with some flying lessons! And also, they practiced running really, really fast to not get caught underneath the parachute. 

Next, the kids armed themselves with silly string so they could save our city from the villain who made an appearance (okay, maybe I helped a bit too). 

Lastly, the kids worked on their own flying (jumping) skills in the bounce house!

This party was a TON of fun! It was fun to plan and it was fun to see his excitement through it all too. While I'm looking forward to all the fun birthday parties we have ahead, I'm glad we don't have another one coming up soon! Whew! 

I'll be back tomorrow with more stuff about his birthday and our family party!



  1. This was such a cute birthday party! Loved the little capes. Loved the idea of decorating them with their initials on the back. The cake pops are adorable! The children are all precious dressed with their masks and capes. :)

    1. Thank you so much!! Everything just came together and turned out much cuter than I ever could have imagined! :) The cute kiddos in the pictures really help! :)

  2. Aww super cute party! Looks like you put a lot of hard work into it! :)

  3. So amazing! Dropping by from Kelly's Korner.

  4. What an awesome party! Great job, girl! I just did a superhero 5th birthday for my little guy... what is it with little boys and superheroes anyway? ;) Thanks so much for sharing! Have a wonderful week!

    ~Abby =)


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