Thursday, July 8, 2010

More fun than a nap

Jackson had a little bit of an off day yesterday and I really wanted him to take a second nap. I put him down and he played quietly for quite awhile and then we heard a ruckus. Derek went in to check on him and this is what he was up to:

Looks more fun than taking a nap, right? It was nerve-wrecking to watch anticipating him banging his head on the crib, but I guess he's got it figured out. This is another reason that we have no plans to switch to a toddler bed any time soon.


  1. I hear ya! Keliko is the same way..I swear that kid will be in a crib until he's 5. haha:-D

  2. looks like he might be ready for some smackdown wrestling :)

  3. How adorable! Yes... unfortunately mine were ready for a real bed way sooner than I was ready for them to leave the crib!

    I love your blog! It's super cute! I'm a new member of the Seeds of Faith team and just had to come and check out your blog! I'll be following yours from now on! Come by and see me @

    Have a great Thursday!

  4. hahahaha he's SO FUNNY!! Gah he makes me laugh!!

  5. Haha this is hilarious! I love it! That would definitely be more fun that a nap for me, too!


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