Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Jackson turned five yesterday! It was a super fun day (aside from the whole cake thing). One of my favorite thing about birthdays is that it's time for the annual interview! 

Several of the answers are similar to last year, especially involving Transformers. I'm not sure why he has such a distaste for green, but this isn't the first time I've heard him say it. I love how he wants to be an "ambulance-r". Playing the Wii is clearly Jackson's love language. Last year he mentioned that swinging was his favorite outdoor activity. He has learned to pump on his own (woo hoo!) but in our back yard, he has upgraded from using the play set to do anything it is intended to do... and instead he climbs, hangs, and maneuverers all over the play set. It keeps him occupied for hours!

I knew what we needed to get Jackson for his birthday way back this summer. It was so hard to wait!!! We set up his bike in the family room so he could see it when he woke up. He was excited to say the least. He rode it around the house until it was nice enough to go outside!

Even breakfast couldn't get in the way of enjoying his new bike!!

Jackson celebrated with his friends this weekend by touring the fire station and having a little party. Yesterday, I cooked his favorite meal and then family came over for cake and ice cream. We did sing happy birthday, but he was just grumpy that he wasn't opening presents yet. 

We did eventually open presents and Jackson acquired some pretty awesome loot. He's been playing with these toys non stop. In other news, my fingers were practically bleeding from unpacking these things. Next year, we're going to have a you-bring-it-you-unpackage-it party! 

Jackson celebrated his birthday in class today. He made a crown and got to wear it all day! His teacher has invited parents to come read a book to the class for birthdays this year. Jackson requested the book Jackson's Blanket to read and I, of course, had to introduce his blanket to the class. Jackson was thrilled. Belle was pretty excited about being in "school" even if it was only for 15 minutes!

Jackson is stoked about being five. He's already inquired about a later bedtime and other perks he feels that are necessary now that he's grown up overnight. Tonight at bedtime he did request to get to sleep until he wakes up instead of someone waking him up. Sounds good to me, buddy!!

We love you Jackson! He'd respond... "Actually it's Jack." We love you, son! :) We love having you in our family. You're such a big helper, you make us laugh. Best of all, you give the BEST snuggles! :)


1 comment:

  1. Amy, I have been following your blog for awhile and love seeing the stories of your family. I have started writing a simple blog to track my family as well and wanted to share a post I wrote about how to teach your child to ride a bike without training wheels, as long as he can pedal well and can touch the ground with the seat in the lowest seating it is amazing how fast they will pick up the skill, like hours!! Have a great weekend!


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