Thursday, June 10, 2010

Four Years

Updated 6-18: Since I just posted about my wedding last week, I went ahead and linked up to that entry instead of doing another one. My wedding day was so much fun! We had a breakfast brunch for all of ladies in my wedding party and those helping out to start the day (there were at least 30 people there!) and it was a casual afternoon prepping for the 4:00 wedding. I remember being so tired by the end of the evening, but it was just a great day. Thanks for stopping by!

Today, Derek and I celebrate our 4th anniversary! Our life is vastly different now that when we first got married (living in a teeny one bedroom apartment, sleeping in on Saturdays, seeing all the summer blockbusters- and sometimes even the midnight showing!) but we're so happy with our life together!
The Wedding

Some of my favorite things about my wedding (aside from the whole marrying my best friend thing): my four flower girls, the never-ending bubble path, my gorgeous venue for my reception- my parents backyard,  and just the fact that I had a lot of fun with all my friends and family that day!

The Honeymoon

We honeymooned in Miami for 5 days and then headed up to St. Petersburg for a few days so that Derek could be a groomsmen in a friends wedding. It was so relaxing-- Oh how I wish I could be at the beach again!


  1. Great pictures Amy! I am here from MBC! I am following you now! Come visit me at Mama's Little Chick.

    Mama Hen

  2. It's amazing how time flies! Congratulations on your four years of marriage!

    I am here from MBC! I am following you now! Please follow me back at:
    -Jessica a.k.a Nya's mom

  3. Congratulations!

    Saying Hi from MBC! =)

  4. Happy Anniversary! Your wedding looks like it was so beautiful!

    National Guard advice...hmmm...If there's an FRG, join it because that's about the only Army-related support you will receive since you're not on post. And more depressingly...get used to people thinking your hubs doesn't work as hard since he's in the sucks, but that's a pre-conceived notion people have. People think ANG is just a part-time job that anyone could do...

  5. What a beautiful way to recap those events. I loved the collage. Congratulations on the first few years and here's to many many more!

  6. wow nice blog! Lovely pics. Do visit me if u get a chance.
    I am sure gonna follow u & hope u do too as its fun to make new bloggy friends

  7. "I just bloghopped over here and I am SO glad that I did! I am bookmarking this page RIGHT NOW! My hubby enlisted with National Guard and is leaving next month for basic and AIT training. He won't be at war, but he will still be gone. I had no idea there was a Christain Military wife site and stuff. Thanks so much for posting!"

    So glad you found my blog! :)
    Yes, there are so many great sites out there, I hope to post about a few each week! Good luck with everything and hubby joining, let me know if you need any advice or help, I remember how rough it was having my husband (then fiance) in basic.

    Love the pics, and happy anniversary!! How did you make the collages?

  8. WOOHOOO!!!! 4 years!! Congrats, hon, the Lord has blessed you richly and abundantly!!

  9. Congrats on your four years together! That arbor in those pics is GORGEOUS!

  10. Love the bubbles! How many people were in your wedding party? It's so nice to have everyone participate!

  11. Love the red and white combo. Klassssy! And I would give anything to be on my honeymoon again too : )

  12. What a beautiful day! I love that gazebo. Is that your parents' backyard!? Isn't is crazy how life can change so much in such a short amount of time? Glad I foudn your blog on the bloghop!


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