Friday, June 25, 2010

One month and counting....

One month from today we will say good-bye to Derek while he leaves to go off to basic training. I am realizing that the closer it gets to his departure, the more emotional I am becoming about the whole thing. I know there's no turning back, but I'm less confident in myself to manage everything while he's gone. But I know we will be okay- I'll get the bills paid, lawn mowed, and trash to the curb, but I am still gonna miss him!!

We will write lots of letters. Jackson will color him a picture and I will print off photos to send. Maybe he'll get a few phone privileges every once in awhile. Totally not counting on that, but I can hope, right? I know people deal with worse- single moms who don't have a husband to return home in eight months, wives who send their husbands off to war. I'm only sending mine to Georgia. And I am so supportive and proud of his commitment to serve our country.

This is his drill weekend (so I don't feel guilty about spending the weekend in Chicago) and he's actually on his way to Ft. Leonard Wood right now. It's a longer weekend drill than normal, but hopefully he'll get to do some cool stuff. He really enjoys the Army stuff.

I seriously need to get to work on my list. Either that, or just come to terms that it's not going to get done before he leaves. It's just the house to-do's that aren't getting done, but the stuff like the Power of Attorney (we need to sign and get it notarized) and enrolling in Tri-care is well under way.

I would have more pictures to post of him in his uniform and pictures for the photobook, but I have lots my SD card, as well. Why do they make those things so tiny anyway?! Ugh! I have yet to find my phone. And my backup phone failed on me this morning. But there's good news!! Derek's Aunt and Uncle have Verizon too and they have an extra phone for me to use. Thank goodness! They don't have SIM cards like AT&T, but my contacts are backed up online everyday, so I'll even have all of my numbers-- how cool!! Granted, I'd still love to have my phone, but this is great news!

My sister and I will board the MegaBus tonight at 8:30 and ride through the night up to Chicago. Here's hoping I get enough sleep to function as a tourist tomorrow!



  1. Wow! Is he going to Columbus? My brother just finished basic there in April. What is your husband's specialty going to be? I will be praying for you guys for strength through all of this. I know its not the same going through this with a sibling instead of a husband, but I can definitely empathize with you and am so thankful for wives like you who keep things running while their husband becomes a soldier.

    Have a great weekend in Chicago!!!!

  2. Oh lady! I have said many times before that I do not envy women who have to send their husbands off for these long lengths. You are so brave! But you're right; everything will be fine and you will get by. And then you will have so much to celebrate when he comes back!


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